They tend to be humble in their attitude to others and their role, not publicity-seeking narcissists. They are the type that were highlighted in 'Good to Great', the ones you never hear about but who produce above average results. It's ironic that they never make the Business Media, which is obsessed with positive stories, but perhaps they are just too busy doing their job and enjoying their lives.

Sorry about 'Super Trouper' but it did fit the topic (and I don't mind a bit of Abba these days).

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Great post and excellent song choices! (Well, until Super Trouper). One of the problems is that those companies and leaders who do everything they possibly can to keep people during down times never get any air play. The strength of those leaders' is to quietly go about building things, bringing the best out of people. Unglamorous stuff compared to the splash made by the Elons of this world.

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