The thing that struck me about poor Denise Prudhomme is that while working remotely would potentially have left her even more isolated, the chances are that keyboard-logging or other management-paranoia-salving spyware would have highlighted her lack of productivity, maybe even quickly enough to have saved her. But the poor lady was properly tethered to her desk and therefore deemed productive, despite who knows how many days of inactivity!

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I hadn't thought about how keyboard logging might have actually helped here but I don't think that makes it anymore desirable! There is a complete lack of connectedness in the organisation, which is extemely unhealthy. In a well-connected organisation, someone would have been trying to speak to her, whether she was in the office or working from home. Her team colleagues or manager should have been checking in with her.

This is why workplace isolatoin is a growing problem. One of my famliy suffered from this, their department was shrunk to two people who sat on different floors so never saw each other or spoke. They had no day-to-day contact with anyone during the course of their work, they just sat at their desk churning through the workflow delivered to their screen.

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There is such a deep seated malaise here, that attempts to somehow "make it better" are doomed to failure. As the old story goes"I wouldn't start for here". Although it feels like trying to empty a cesspool with a teaspoon, I'm increasingly convinced the place to start id where you are at the end of your post - talk to each other, without agenda, and with intent to help. Generosity connects of its own volition, as I've found this weekend (see today post at https://www.richardmerrick.co.uk.

I'm on my way back today - more on your mail when I'm home.

Have a great Sunday.....

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Sep 22Liked by Colin Newlyn

I have read to many stories about people dying in there homes with no-one to notice or care. But in your place of work is even more shocking.

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