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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Colin Newlyn

F*** The Status Quo baby...all I got to say on "dare to be different" You know I live this everyday Colin.

Now when it comes to fun. I could not agree with you more. Creativity dies in a corner and collects dust if fun is taken out of the equation. I have always encouraged this in the teams I've run and the businesses I've owned. (It might be because a part of me refuses to grow up ha ha.) But a huge part of being capable of the fun is having the 'cajones' to let get of that power trip. Let your people enjoy themselves and put as many cartoons up as they bl**dy like. (An no, bean bags and games tables will not fix this issue.)

It is my opinion the day we can't have fun with our clients and colleagues, act the fool, and we stop finding joy in our work should be the day we quit our job to find a new one or fire ourselves as owners and hire someone better at the fun stuff to take our place as the leader. I know I sound extreme, but culture is serious and once broken it's hard to fix. Not impossible, but it needs 'grenades of drastic change', grit, hard work and most importantly humility to achieve it.

That sounds like hard work, having fun is so much better.

I never knew that pirates introduced all of those things by the way. I knew there was a reason I always liked Pirates ha ha.

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